The EUPRIM-Net Project
Access Activities
EUPRIM-Net offers a variety of primate material that can be accessed via databases on The installation of this large material bank supports and promotes scientists working in biological or biomedical research across Europe. Material banks can ensure a quick provision with samples and reduce the work of scientists to generate samples for their demand. In addition, a contribution to the 3R-concept is made as the number of animals needed is reduced by optimising the collection, distribution and characterisation of the samples.
A brochure on this Activity is available for download here.
If you are interested in material of one of our BioBanks, please follow the link of the database of your interest. There you will be informed about the ordering procedure:
PRIMOCID offers non-human primate animal models for immune-based disorders (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic organ dysfunction requiring organ transplantation and other chronic immune disorders) to evaluate new therapeutic approaches to deviate or suppress unwanted immune reactions.
Please contact Dr. Krista Haanstra (haanstra @ or enter the PRIMOCID website for more information.
General Information
The costs for primate material will be covered by the EU. However, new users of the BioBanks have a higher priority for access. Be aware that the number of free samples is restricted. Costs for excessive samples may be charged to the user on prior consultation.
Eligible countries are:
EU Member States: Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), Cyprus (CY), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Ireland (IE), Italy (IT), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Poland (PO), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), Sweden (SE), United Kingdom (GB)
Associated Countries: Albania (AL), Croatia (HR), Iceland (IS), Israel (IL), Liechtenstein (LI), Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Norway (NO), Serbia (RS), Switzerland (CH), Turkey (TR)
The applicant country is defined by the residence country of the institute to which the group leader is affiliated to. In addition the applicant country has to be different from the host country of the requested BioBank.
User Information Form:
Please use this form only for the Gene Bank. The form (User Information Form, MS-Word document) samples all information necessary for the EU before primate material can be delivered. Your data will be treated confidentially.
For the Tissue, Blood and Serum Bank this information is gathered electronically on the Tissue, Blood and Serum Database.
To enable the European Commission to evaluate the Research Infrastructures Action, to monitor the individual contracts, and to improve the services provided to the scientific community, each group leader of a user-project supported under an EC Research Infrastructure contract is requested to complete the present "User Group Questionnaire". The questionnaire must be submitted once by each user group as soon as the material samples have been obtained. Please fill in the appropriate fields: User Group Questionnaire
Please acknowledge EUPRIM-Net:
Please do acknowledge any support under this scheme in all resulting publications with "Part of this work has been supported by EUPRIM-Net under the EU grant agreement 262443 of the 7th Framework Programme"