
Please klick here for information about the course series on General Primate Biology and Primate Husbandry, Nutrition and Handling within Network Activity 4


30/04/2010 EUPRIM-Net II has been favourably evaluated by the Commission services with the help of independent experts. The project can be granted a maximum EC contribution of 7 Mio EUR over 48 months. In his function as project coordinator Professor Treue was invited to Brussels to a first negotiation meeting.

18/03/2010 EUPRIM-Net: Ensuring Best Practice and the 3Rs inPrimate Research in Europe
The ability of the European Union to ensure the health as well as the cultural and economic progress of its citizens depends on the advancement of scientific knowledge. A central role in this endeavor is played by biological and biomedical research, as it is necessary for our understanding of human and animal physiology and consequently for medical progress. This research employs a multitude of methods, including basic and applied research using animals. It necessitates research on a small number of primates (less than 0.1 % of all animals used in research), where no alternative exists. [read more]

17/03/2010 "Goldmedal in Science" for Stefan Treue
December 3rd 2009 was an important date for EUPRIM-Net as it was the proposal deadline for the follow-up project EUPRIM-Net II. In terms of primate research it could also be a day to remember, as Stefan Treue, director of the German Research Center and the coordinator of EUPRIM-Net, received notice he would be awarded with the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, the highest honour awarded in German research. The award ceremony now took place on March 15th 2010. [read more]

03/12/2009 Submitted: Grant Proposal for EUPRIM-Net follow-up project in FP7
The EUPRIM-Net consortium is applying for a second round of EUPRIM-Net funding in FP7. If granted EUPRIM-Net II could start with the beginning of 2011 and run through 2013. [read more ...]

30/06/2009 Cost-neutral extension of EUPRIM-Net until December 2010 [read more ...]

06/02/2008 Article in the Göttingen local newspaper "Gesundes Futter für Primaten tiergerecht serviert" on Network Activity 4 (Courses on Primatology)

04/02/2008 Press Release: Europas Affen und ihr Netzwerk (german)
Diese Woche (04. - 07.02.08) geht die erste Staffel von insgesamt sechs EUPRIM-Net Kursen zum Umgang mit Primaten in der Obhut des Menschen zu Ende, die sich an Wissenschaftler, Veterinäre und Tierpfleger gleichermaßen wandte. Noch einmal ist das DPZ Gastgeber für ca. 30 Primatologen aus insgesamt zehn verschiedenen Ländern des zumeist europäischen Auslands. [read more ...]

31/01/2008 Deadline for IPS Film Competition for 22nd Congress of the International Primatological Society (IPS) in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (03-08/08/2008)

04/2007 "Das EUPRIM-Net Project" - A contribution of the BioBank user Peter Ahnelt of the Medical University of Vienna in the newsletter of the Austrian Neuroscience Association (in german)

19-20/04/2007 Workshop "SOP in Breeding Colonies and Experiments" within Network Activity 2
The workshop will be held at the German Primate Center.

18/12/2006 EUPRIM-Net in The Parliament Magazine, Special Issue: German EU Presidency Guide

15/12/2006 The EUPRIM-NET website is now online:

11/12/2006 EUPRIM-Net in The Parliament Magazine, Issue 235/236

23-24/11/2006 Workshop on Health Monitoring in primate colonies within Network Activity 2
The workshop will be held at the German Primate Center.

24-25/10/2006 2. Workshop on Positive Reinforcement Training of Non-Human Primates within Network Activity 3
The workshop will be held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control. Invited are Prof. Steve Shapiro and the experienced trainer Jaine Perlman, both from USA, who will demonstrate what can be accomplished by using positive reinforcement training and operant conditioning in the handling of non-human primates.

26/06/2006 Press Release: Kick off meeting EUPRIM-NET (german)
Am 12. und 13. Juni fand im Deutschen Primatenzentrum (DPZ) das erste Treffen des neuen Netzwerkes der europäischen Primatenzentren statt. Das European Primate Network (EUPRIM-NET) verbindet acht europäische Primatenzentren aus fünf Ländern mit dem Ziel, der europäischen Wissenschaft ihre Infrastrukturen zur Nutzung anzubieten, Ressourcen bereitzustellen, das Methodeninventar zu standardisieren und optimieren, sowie die spezifischen Kompetenzen zu bündeln. [read more ...]

08-21/05/2006 1. Workshop on Positive Reinforcement Training of Non-Human Primates within Network Activity 3
The workshop at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control in Stockholm consists of two parts: Part 1 - Discrimination level workshop - Teaching fundamental principles of applied behavior

analysis; mechanical skills (timing); developing observing skills; training philosophy. Part 2 - Criteria-Cueing level workshop - Teach applied behavior analytic procedures; plan simple training tasks; evaluate behavior; establish reinforcement criteria for simple cued and non-cued behaviors.

30/03/2006 Press Release: EU-Projekt EUPRIM-NET - Federführung: Deutsches Primatenzentrum DPZ (german)
Am 1. April fällt der Startschuß für den Aufbau eines Netzwerkes europäischer Primatenzentren. Ziel des European Primate Network (EUPRIM-NET) ist es, der europäischen Wissenschaft die vorhandenen Infrastrukturen zu Nutzung anzubieten, Ressourcen bereitzustellen, das Methodeninventar zu standardisieren und optimieren, sowie die spezifischen Kompetenzen zu bündeln. Dabei steht der Tierschutzgedanke im Vordergrund. [read more ...]
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